You’ve probably heard that search engine optimization has changed in recent years. It’s gone far beyond adding keywords into your content, submitting your URL to Google, and hoping for the best. These days, and for the foreseeable future, your search engine rankings depend upon your website’s content. And right now, the most important content element is your blog. This is where a great copywriter comes in.
Oh no, you think. I don’t have time for that.
Most professionals don’t, but they still manage to post fresh blog content on a regular basis. Do you want to know their secret? They hire copywriters to “ghost write” their blog posts. Not unlike how politicians and celebrities hire authors to “help” with their biographies or self-help books.
While you might not be ready to publish your tell-all, here’s what your copywriter—and high-quality blog content—can do for you.
A Copywriter Will Keep Your Site Compliant with SEO Requirements
A professional copywriter stays on top of SEO trends. They’ve bookmarked the leading inbound marketing news sites, and adapt their writing techniques to better target their clients’ audience. Your marketing team has already told you that search engines favor constantly-updated websites, especially those that link to the latest sources most relevant to that business’ industry. Talented copywriters know how to find and use the right quotes and use the right keyword combinations—without making the content look “keyword stuffed”.
Use an Organized, Skimmable Format
A copywriter understands the formula for creating captivating headlines. They know that readers want an idea of what they’re “in for”. So the headlines need to promise what the content delivers. But that’s the easy part; copywriters also have to keep the headline clear and concise while including the right keywords.
It’s an art form. Speaking of art, copywriters know that content creation isn’t just verbal; it’s visual.
Once a reader’s clicked on that headline, he shouldn’t feel as though he’s collided with a wall of text. Blog posts need to be—in content marketing terms—”consumable”. Professional copywriters organize content into sections, each defined by headers and subheaders formatted to transition to your blog’s preset template. While stunning graphics and attention-grabbing headlines draw readers in, “letting the page breathe” with subheaders, bite-sized paragraphs, and a few bullet lists here and there eliminate reader fatigue and text-wall intimidation.
Finally, your copywriter will end the article with an effective call to action, capitalizing on the content’s momentum. After all, the reader will be ready for more, and the CTA is how they’ll get it. Your post will wrap up with an invitation to call your office or click a link to your contact page and build upon the subtle emotional connection you’ve made through your blog.
Provide Useful, Relatable, & Accurate Information
Your audience values their time. When they come to you, you want them to be confident that they’re going to get accurate and actionable information. They want to feel confident that they understand the subject matter, and that they can immediately address their pain points with your solution.
Many copywriters are experts in specific areas, while others rely on research and masterful use of industry terms to create content that establishes your firm as the go-to source for industry insights. When newspapers and business journals begin linking to your website and quoting your content, you’ll earn credibility as an industry thought leader… not to mention credibility with search engines. That can happen with great copywriting.
Companies with blogs have 97% more inbound links, and 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles rather than ads. — Tech Client
The right copywriter knows the difference between legitimate and unreliable sources, and she’ll find (and properly cite) the most relevant and accurate sources. There is such a thing as “fake news”, especially when it comes to incorrectly misinterpreting raw data. Bloggers (and reporters, politicians, and even university professors) who don’t double-check their sources find out the hard way.
Proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation are only the most fundamental skills required of a talented copywriter. She’ll know how to take dry, technical, or emotionally difficult subject matter and weave it into an engaging, informative, and memorable article worthy of social media sharing, indexing, or must-have printouts.
Match Your Preferred Tone & Voice
Browse through business blogs from a variety of industries, and you’ll notice that some posts are the literary counterpart to dark wood paneling and leather-bound references, while others are deep dives into highly-technical data. Others might throw a wide, general-interest net, appealing to overlapping markets to generate new business prospects.
None of these strategies is better than the other. It’s about deciding which tone and depth work best for you. If you need a writer to create content that’s consistent with your brand’s image, Accomplish will help you find the right one.
Many small businesses or sole proprietors want their copy written in a certain “voice”, especially if they’re putting their own names on the byline.
Blogging gives your business the chance to create a personality online and gives people the opportunity to learn about your company. — Search Engine People
Building Trust
As the old adage goes, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. Here are some examples in which businesses might use tone and voice to achieve positive results:
- A private pediatric hospital wants articles to serve as an information resource for the parents of their surgical and critically-ill patients. They can provide easy-to-understand health care tips and post-surgical advice while maintaining an authoritative yet compassionate voice.
- A wedding photographer wants to appeal to newly-engaged brides. She can offer wedding planning tips from the viewpoint of the in-the-know girlfriend or big sister.
- A legal firm specializing in personal injury wants their partners’ posts ghostwritten in a compelling and professional manner. They want to convey urgency while avoiding the stereotypes normally assigned to their area of law.
- A large commercial real estate firm caters to mid-sized corporations relocating or expanding into their markets. The firm’s goal is to populate its blog with informative, authoritative tips on everything from local tax incentives, municipal infrastructure, extended-stay executive hotels, residential real estate partners, and family activities. Some of their blogs are more professional, appealing to corporate decision-makers, while others are more relaxed as appropriate to the subject matter.
When you’re in the market for a copywriter, it’s helpful to bookmark blogs and articles that represent your required writing style. At first, you should expect to give your new copywriter a bit of feedback so she can adapt to your preferences, but once she’s built a rapport with your brand, you’ll be surprised at your new blogging “doppelgänger”.
Create Copy for Your Landing Pages
Blogs are crucial for SEO, building brand awareness, creating shareable content, and cementing thought leadership. But what about your website’s landing pages? Strategic copywriting sets the stage for your business’ online presence. This is a job for a copywriter who understands your company, your audience, and your mission. Entrust it to a professional who will craft and consolidate your message in easy-to-read, on-brand short paragraphs.
How To Find A Great Copywriter For Your Website
Accomplish takes the big-picture approach to online marketing. We’re more than website designers. We are SEO strategists and content consultants. We’re here to connect you with talented, skilled writers and visual artists, whether you’re enhancing your online presence with graphics, photography, video, or text copy. Contact us today to learn more!